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Syncandi soundtrack scenes 1

SYNCANDI art + music experiment 02

Dear friends,

Back in December 2016 we announced that Studio Syncandi founder Roberto Iolini was remixing a collection of experimental songs which he had composed for the SYNCANDI project. They feature UTAU, the Japanese vocal synthesis music software program which is similar to Vocaloid made famous by the virtual idol Hatsune Miku.  

Big news is that we have decided to publish a musical soundtrack to accompany the SYNCANDI COMIC series! Since the original songs were intended to be standalone pieces, Roberto decided to re-compose and further develop each of the songs to function better as musical soundtracks.

Following the decision to publish a SYNCANDI soundtrack, Roberto needed to compose additional music, which he is still in the process of doing. So far he has composed six pieces. He is aiming at creating ten in total.

Each musical composition will support specific scenes in the SYNCANDI narrative in which Ikkyu communicates with the Genies Res environment. Ikkyu can communicate with microorganisms. Physically manifesting the data she receives as complex abstract music which only she can hear. She transmits data using her vocal chords where the information is coded into the sound waves of her voice.

Joanna Krótka’s brilliant and evocative artwork goes far in successfully conveying to the audience Ikkyu’s musical interaction with her environment. However, how to overcome the challenge of conveying the complex nuances of musical ideas? The answer is fairly obvious, a musical soundtrack!

Please stay tuned and we will let you know how Roberto is progressing with his musical task. We may also release some previews of his music in the coming weeks.

Take care and thanks for supporting Studio Syncandi.

A selection of scenes from the SYNCANDI COMIC series which will have a musical soundtrack.

This is a FREE TO READ ONLINE version of the PAID SYNCANDI DIGITAL COMIC. Please do not distribute or sell this online version of the comic. Thank you for your kind support :-)

This is a FREE TO READ ONLINE version of the PAID SYNCANDI DIGITAL COMIC. Please do not distribute or sell this online version of the comic. Thank you for your kind support :-)

This is a FREE TO READ ONLINE version of the PAID SYNCANDI DIGITAL COMIC. Please do not distribute or sell this online version of the comic. Thank you for your kind support :-)

This is a FREE TO READ ONLINE version of the PAID SYNCANDI DIGITAL COMIC. Please do not distribute or sell this online version of the comic. Thank you for your kind support :-)

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